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Rely on God!

Published: May 16, 2024      Updated: May 16, 2024


This week, for Student Week of Prayer, we have had the opportunity to hear a few of our students sharing ways they have seen God work in their lives or the lives of someone they know personally. I’m so grateful for our students who are brave enough to speak to the entire student body and bold enough to share testimonies of God’s goodness. What a blessing! Just a few tears of joy and pride have leaked out of my eyes this week. 

The students’ stories are a great reminder to me God is always present even in the most ordinary of circumstances. On Tuesday, several of our staff were at another school for some training. We don’t have a plethora of substitute teachers, so it took some planning for me to line up subs for three separate classrooms. Being away from campus always makes me a little anxious but our morning was starting off well. There was surprisingly little traffic that day and we made it to the school with some time to spare. Once we got inside the school, I checked my phone. Oops. An hour earlier, while we were driving a text came through that one of my subs had an emergency and couldn’t make it. What?!?! Oh no! Panic took over my mind, I called Mrs. Dickerson, and then frantically started texting people looking for a replacement. As we started walking toward the classroom for our training, Mrs. Mayer said, “Look up, Mrs. Lew.” There was a banner hanging overhead saying to rely on God rather than trying to figure out everything yourself. Ok, God. You have shown yourself once again. Within 20 minutes, a substitute for the substitute was at school and all was well. God is faithful. 

You will keep in perfect peace all who trust in you, all whose thoughts are fixed on you! 
Isaiah 26:3 NLT