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Daily Joys

Published: January 11, 2024      Updated: January 11, 2024


It’s mid-January! It’s mid-January. It’s mid-January…it might just be me, but mid-January is not my most favorite time of the year. I waited until last weekend to put Christmas away. Sadness. My house no longer smells like a pine tree. Lights are not twinkling in my living room. There is no anticipation of family gatherings in my home. It’s mid-January. It’s regular life. The world isn’t quite as festive as it was only a few weeks ago. 

However, regular life is the time to celebrate the little joys rather than rely on the world around me to provide a festive feeling. My focus and my mindset determine my outlook. The pine tree smell can be replaced with a fresh smelling candle. The tree in my office has lights even though they don’t twinkle. Family and friends can still be invited over for dinner or games. Regular life is only as regular and humdrum as I make it. I can train my eyes to focus on the often-overlooked daily joys. It’s mid-January! God’s goodness is enough to make today festive and twinkly!

Every good gift and every perfect present comes from heaven; it comes down from God, the Creator of the heavenly lights, who does not change or cause darkness by turning. James 1:17 GNT