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Published: December 14, 2023      Updated: December 14, 2023


Merry Christmas Conejo Family! It is a day of celebration! Tonight, our students get to share the gift of music and celebrate this culmination of learning! Last week, I had the joy of attending NPAA’s Christmas Concert and Mr. Albritton, the principal, started the program defining the word spoiled. His definition included spending an event listening to music, enjoying the company of friends, and rejoicing in the birth of Christ. He had us close our eyes and picture ourselves with a warm beverage in front of a quiet fireplace. Lovely. Spoiled. Yes, I’m feeling spoiled today. I get to bask in the sounds of children singing and playing instruments, enjoy the company of my school family, and live in the knowledge Christ was born a baby here on earth many years ago. Merry Christmas Conejo Family!!! I can’t wait to join you tonight for this joyous celebration!


Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord. Luke 2:11 NIV