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On Track

Published: January 13, 2022      Updated: January 13, 2022


How are you holding up Conejo Family? Are you weary of this roller coaster of unexpected twists and turns? Or are you resting in the knowledge that there is so much more to life? If I’m being honest, I fluctuate often between the two extremes by the minute some days. All is well. Nothing is well. All is well…you get the picture. The “Be still and know I am God” assurance escapes my mindset more than I would like. Slow learner…that’s me. 
As we head into another year of the yet unknown, I’m going to continue to cling to God’s promises and thank Him for the blessing of positive people in my life. A few months ago, a parent felt impressed to bring me a bundle of Bible promises in a jar. Many mornings, I pull a verse out of the jar to sit in my line of sight to keep me focused on all that is good. God knows what we need and who we need in our lives to keep the roller coaster of life in check. Thank you, God, for the promises and the people you place in our lives. Focus on the promises…focus on the promises…we’ve got this!
Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10 NIV
Come to me, all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28 NIV