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Published: April 22, 2021      Updated: April 22, 2021


April 22, 2021
Happy Earth Day Conejo Family! Hope you have time to soak in some of the beauty that surrounds us today! What a blessing to live in Ventura County!
This week we are enjoying Week of Prayer brought to us from the Southern California Conference of SDA and we’ve seen many of our own kids on the screen. It is so exciting to be a part of this conference-wide effort.  Another blessing poured on us this week. 
Living in a spirit of gratitude and blessing. It isn’t always easy but God calls us to dwell in that sweet spot of thankfulness. As parents, it is sometimes a daunting task to teach our little and not so little ones to live in thankfulness when we struggle with it ourselves. Being a parent can be an overwhelming job on top of our own lives at times, especially this year. 
A few weeks ago, I missed the sermon at church because my sweet Howard dog required my attention, (your kids know the story…) so I just watched it earlier this week. Pastor Simon addressed a book that was recommended by one of our Conejo parents and it is worth sharing. I haven’t read the book yet, but the 7 traits that were highlighted in the sermon were enough for me to order it for future reading. Thrivers: The Surprising Reasons Why Some Kids Struggle and Others Shine, by Michele Borba, has seven chapters with skills children, and parents, need to shine. They are: 
Self-Confidence - Thrivers focus on “who” not “what.”
Empathy - Thrivers think “we” not “me.”
Self-Control - Thrivers can think straight and put the brakes on impulses.
Integrity – Thrivers have a strong moral code and stick to it.
Curiosity – Thrivers are out-of-the-box thinkers.
Perseverance – Thrivers finish what they start and don’t need gold stars.
Optimism – Thrivers find the silver lining.
It sounds simple enough, but in reality, these are skills ALL OF US can practice and strive to achieve. Can we do it alone? I know I can’t. But I also know when I call on a select few people in my life to keep me accountable, and rely on God’s power, I can achieve much more. Parenting, self-awareness, personal growth, and my relationship with God, are journeys that never end.  
But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3:18 NIV