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Published: November 10, 2022      Updated: November 10, 2022


I’ve lost all track of days and hours this week. On Sunday, I traveled out to Ontario for some classes and meetings and then came home last night. Today feels like Monday but also Friday and I’m confused where I’m supposed to be during the day. Do you ever have those kind of days or weeks? Time is a strange thing and I often misinterpret how much time has passed since an event or how much time has passed since I first determined to do something. This confusion can pull me away from the present. Living in the moment and appreciating each day is high on my list of things I need to improve in my life. God intended us to live and live to the fullest. Pause to enjoy the sunset, call that friend you haven’t talked to in a while, eat the cookie, read the extra bedtime story. Live. Don’t let the days pass by without taking moments to live. Live well and enjoy the day you have been given, even the challenging days. 


The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life. John 10:10 NLT