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No Distractions

Published: September 16, 2022      Updated: September 16, 2022


September 15, 2022

Good Afternoon Conejo Family!

It appears we have survived the worst of the heat and “normal” temperatures are returning! What a treat to feel a cool breeze the last couple of mornings. Just when I thought I might permanently melt into a puddle, the weather changed, and my body received a reprieve from the scalding temps. Life can resume. 

Funny how the weather can capture my attention and I’m unable to focus on “real” life. What really matters takes a backseat to my immediate comfort. If it’s not the weather though, it could be any number of things that get under my skin and keep my focus on my own woes. The name of the book and author are escaping my memory, however, I read a book within the last couple of years and the author talked about how clever the devil is in our daily lives. He doesn’t need to get us to do “evil” things, or to even think “evil” thoughts, he just needs to distract us from the goodness of God. So true. Our busy lives offer more distractions than ever, but the goodness of God is always present when I stop long enough to take notice and give thanks. 

I will meditate on your majestic, glorious splendor and your wonderful miracles. Your awe-inspiring deeds will be on every tongue; I will proclaim your greatness. Psalms 145:5-6 NLT