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Health Seminar

Published: November 4, 2021      Updated: November 4, 2021


November 4, 2021
And just like that…Happy November Conejo Family! Our morning courtyard music hasn’t switched to Christmas yet but I did listen to the holiday Sirius channel on my way home last night after I purchased a quart of eggnog at the store. Let the festivities begin!
Even though I’m excited and cheered by the thought of happiness the next two months bring, I know stress levels, anxiety, and even depression can escalate with added activities, travel, extended family visits, and the expectations of picture-perfect holiday celebrations. With that in mind, I’d like to invite you all to attend the speaking series at The Place this weekend. Dr. Nedley, a physician who specializes in depression and anxiety, will be speaking Friday evening about depression and anxiety, Saturday during church about emotional intelligence, and then Saturday afternoon about nutrition and the brain. I’ve never heard Dr. Nedley speak but I’ve been told he is a dynamic speaker and his topics are on point in this anxiety-filled world we are currently inhabiting. 
The times and location are listed in the newsletter. Lunch will be provided so please sign-up if you plan to attend. Everyone is welcome, so invite and bring a friend to this free event. Hope to see you there!