April 1, 2021
Happy April, Happy Easter, and Happy Another Day of Life to You All! What beautiful weather we have been blessed with this week! Another blessing to add to our list for the day. As we head into Easter weekend, I wanted to share something one of our parents spoke about at The Place a few weeks ago that influenced my life.
My church membership is at The Place and I feel so blessed to be a part of this community of people who live life with me. Pastor Simon has been asking various members to share part of their story over the last several months. Recently, a Conejo parent shared some insight he had about prayer from listening to a pastor. He talked about how he changed his prayer request from a “please help me” to a “thank you for.” For example, instead of asking God to help me be more patient, I would thank God for giving me more patience. Such a simple change in words but it changes my request to a statement. Now I’m thanking God for what He has already done and will do instead of asking for help and waiting for the change. I love this subtle change. My attitude switches from I’m helpless, please fix me, to thank you for fixing me before I even ask. Mindset changes everything.
This Easter I’m thanking God for His power in my life. I’m thanking Him for the sacrifice of His son to cover all my weaknesses. I’m thanking Him for people who breathe new life into my spiritual walk. I’m thanking Him for each day of life. Happy Easter my friends.
For this is how God loved the world; He gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. John 3:16 NLT