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Give Thanks!

Published: November 17, 2022      Updated: November 17, 2022


Happy Thanksgiving to you all! The campus has been celebrating all week with pies and other favorite treats. I’ve heard several excited students talking about relatives coming to visit and other students looking forward to going away for the week. As a child, Thanksgiving was all about going to visit my grandparents in Southern California. Every year, I looked forward to spending a few days with extended family and eating foods that we only got to eat at Thanksgiving. Traditions are very important to me, and November and December are filled with childhood memories of traditions and new traditions established in my adulthood. I pray that your next week is blessed with moments to make memories and continue traditions. 
As we get closer to the end of the year, I want to acknowledge how grateful I am for this school family. Our October Move-a-Thon brought in close to $38,000! Amazing! Thank you everyone for making this fund-raiser successful and changing so many families’ lives. Thank you for blessing us with your efforts for not only the Move-a-Thon but also supporting our current and former families with your donations of funds, food, and prayers. So many reasons to be grateful this holiday season. I’ll leave you with the lyrics of a song of nostalgia for me that Mr. Fralick has been singing with his class. 
Give Thanks
…Give thanks with a grateful heart
Give thanks to the Holy One
Give thanks because He’s given
Jesus Christ, His Son