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First Week Back on Campus

Published: October 6, 2020      Updated: October 6, 2020


September 10, 2020

Happy Thursday Conejo!! Welcome to the end of week one!! What a blessing to be on campus with most of our student body. Teaching in real-time is such a privilege and so much more effective! I can adjust my lesson to my class as we learn. Yay! I missed being with my students and helping them during fourth quarter.

How are you surviving this week? My sleep schedule is a bit of a mess. I’m not going to bed any earlier but waking up hours before I’m used to getting out of bed. Eventually, I think I’ll be so exhausted that my body will adjust. Despite being tired, I’m filled with joy though! Did I mention that I missed teaching in person? I REALLY missed teaching in person. Thank you for sending your children to school. Each one of them brightens my day and brings me joy!

A portion of our school is still learning from home and we don’t want to forget them. Those students and families are having to adjust their home schedules as well and I pray the week has been a smooth transition for everyone. I also pray joy is filling your souls and homes like it is here on campus!

My words of wisdom are short and not full of much wisdom today. Stay safe and well! Thank you for choosing Conejo! Thank you for allowing us this opportunity to educate your children! Thank you for being so accommodating and going with the flow this year! Thank you for following the protocols set for us! Thank you for everything! We are blessed and I feel overwhelmed with joy! God is good!

The Lord is not slow in keeping his promise, as some understand slowness. 2 Peter 3:9a NIV