Do you feel like the world is imploding around you? I didn’t think this year could get any crazier but I was so wrong. Fear. I’m sure you know or at least have heard the verse, 1 John 4:18. There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear…This verse comes to mind during this week of craziness. Fear.
Just this morning, I was reading a short devotional about trust. The author was expressing the need to be close to others and spend time with people to create trust. Distance creates a distrust of others. Fear and distrust.
As life unfolds, I can’t help but believe the devil is hard at work. Distance creates fear and distrust. Events are being cancelled around us by the minute. Church services, sporting events, mission trips, life in general is postponed until further notice. Distance is encouraged and probably wise but now we will be alone and afraid.
For myself, I want to be cautious of course but I want to be mindful I don’t allow myself to get to the place where I fear and distrust everyone. I don’t want to be alone and afraid. The devil wants to keep us apart and grow our fears. I will be cautious but I want to be ever mindful how my fear keeps me away from those I love and mostly God. For where two or three gather in my name, there am I with them. Matthew 18:20 NIV But if we can’t gather…my mind can wander far from the path of truth without my family, my church family, and my school family to keep me grounded. Isolation is never good for our minds and the devil knows that fact all too well.
Stay safe my Conejo Family! Be wise! Rest well these next two weeks. God has blessed us with this vacation at the best possible moment. Have a blessed spring break!