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Benefits of Music

Published: May 31, 2024      Updated: May 31, 2024


Woohoo! Today is the big day of our concert! We have practiced and practiced and ready or not, the day has arrived. We are eager to perform for you and show off our speaking, singing, and playing skills. I LOVE music for many reasons but I love music in school for some specific reasons. Nothing is sweeter than seeing preschoolers stand up front and make a joyful noise. I have the privilege of seeing them in practice when they do make a joyful noise! A joyful noise doesn’t always happen during the performance but they look cute no matter what! The Kindergarten through 4th grade students have the opportunity to learn songs, learn some speaking lines (even though some are VERY short), and learn to work together with their section. Working together and encouraging each other are excellent skills to develop. Once our kids leave 4th grade they move on to band in 5th grade and build on the skills they already have to learn a new language, the language of music. Reading music, learning the fingering of an instrument, learning how to make the correct sound come out of an instrument, and learning to play in time together is a lot to learn and our students do it beautifully! You’ll hear a distinct difference between the 5th grade band when they play mostly in unison, and the junior high band with many different parts. The progression is amazing, and I LOVE it! The perseverance needed to learn an instrument can serve our students well in many other aspects of life. Oh, I have so much more I could say but I’ll let tonight speak for itself. I hope you enjoy all the skill levels represented tonight and value the time and effort your kids have put in to learn these skills. See you tonight!

Shout with joy to the Lord, all the earth! Worship the Lord with gladness. Come before him, singing with joy! Psalm 100:1-2 NLT